
Of Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Living in the Tension
It was September 2019 when I hit a wall in my faith journey and started questioning my theological foundations. Because of the nature of my

Maundy Thursday, Lent 2022
As Jesus laid down his right just to serve his disciples, he was setting an example for all the disciples that would follow him. In our local church, we are expected to do the same. Anything less would be disobedience and an insult to the grace and mercy that we have received from our Lord and Savior.

Holy Wednesday, Lent 2022
During Holy Week in the Philippines, things usually grind to a halt — but sadly, not because of spiritual matters. “Holy Week” in this country is no longer synonymous with pausing, quietness, and meditation. It has become one of the most anticipated times because everyone has the time to get out of town and go to the beach. In an effort to create some space for meditation, I usually write down my thoughts during these days, and I hope it will help you move into a more meditative approach to this week.

Holy Tuesday, Lent 2022
It is God who prescribes how we should enter his presence to worship him. It is only through humility, repentance, and faith in what Jesus has done on the cross that we are able to worship God properly.

Holy Monday, Lent 2022
Jesus was bringing a victory that was deeper than what the Jews were looking for. It was freedom from sin, and reconciliation with God — through the Gospel. It was the rebuilding of what real community looked like. He was going to die for sinners, and those who would repent and believe in him would be justified, sanctified, and called into community. This was the beginning of the kingdom of God, and it was going to start with what we now call “church”.

The “new year” won’t change your life for the better
Ultimately, new year’s resolutions are pretty much unbiblical as our way of trying to change ourselves for the better — and not to mention that they have a 100% failure rate.
The problems that we have stems from our sinful hearts, and in the end, it is only Jesus that can change our hearts so that we can desire what God wants.